Young Women Camp Standards of Conduct 2014
(Please read thru EACH one with your parent/guardian. Thank You!)
Be sure to DO these things:1. Bring your Camp Manual, (If you need a Camp Manual, contact your YW Presidency as soon as possible) scriptures (pocket Book of Mormon…1st years will receive these at camp), Magic 7 (see Equipment List), a good attitude and a Smile.
2. Uphold all standards of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
3. Observe modest and safe dress standards.
a. Shoes-NO BARE FEET, closed-toed shoes for hike &camp; after free time, (During Free Time -Open- toed shoes & camp; sandals w/ straps supporting foot and ankle area are allowed (not for hike or after free time)
b. Modest Swimmsuit-1 piece or modest tankini (no visible skin around waist area) knee length shorts with proper swim shirt (no white T-shirts). ONLY wear swimsuit from cabin to lake and back.
c. Modest shorts (knee length, knee cap area)—consequences for wearing shorts that are too short=no shorts allowed rest of camp. You may wear modest shorts anytime, even on the hike. Exception: 4th year hike can not wear shorts.
4. Use uplifting and kind speech
5. Do service project and serve others all week
6. Keep cabins neat and organized (this includes, bathrooms, lake and lodge)
7. Wash Hands.
8. Drink Lots of WATER!!!!!!!
9. Leaders and Parents: Arrange with Stake Camp Director for anyone coming or leaving camp.
10. Join in all camp activities; be on time, with a cooperative spirit and positive attitude.
11. Have a good time!
1. No CELL PHONES! (Emergency numbers: Sis Mortensen 813 957-1393/ Pres Thorton 2. No GRAFFITTI!
3. No radios, Ipods, cassette/CD players, MP3 Players, or boom boxes, Cabin Moms may bring one boom box for firesides, morning and evening devotionals and camp approved music.
4. No clothing or hats with ads for alcohol, tobacco companies, drugs, or those with suggestive sayings. Also, no gang related/appearing clothing.
5. No tank tops, sleeveless shirts, rolling up shirt sleeves.
6. No driver’s under 25 years of age. No youth should drive to or from camp at any time.
7. No riding in the back of pick-up trucks.
8. No swearing or use of obscene language.
9. No fireworks, pranks, ghost stories or face cards allowed.
10. No body piercing at camp.
11. No smoking, drugs or alcohol.
Camp guidelines: We will have a CLOSED camp. Anyone arriving or leaving MUST be pre- approved and check in or out with Stake Camp Director. There is an additional fee for the Stake for comings and goings of guests at Camp Haluco. Deadline for these names, dates and times are due

a week before camp. Attn Leaders: Use the adults already attending camp for your firesides, no outside guests except for Bishop Fireside.
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